Age: 29

Do you have any nicknames?: Brndn, Brando, BJohns

Who was your favorite rider(s) to watch growing up?: Cam McCaul. "maybe I’ll get a big wing tattooed on my forehead, maybe not, it's up to's my forehead." (insert McCaul laugh)

When I’m not riding you will probably find me doing what?: In the gym, sledding, hiking/working, or crushing movies.

Kali Helmet of choice and why?: Shiva 100%. Light weight, highest level of protection, technology, and looks pretty bad ass. It also breathes really well and I'm never in a rush to take it off.

What essential item do you always bring with you when you ride?: A positive attitude haha but item wise probably my phone for maps and emergency use.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?: Oh boy, gonna go with 450, maybe 600.


Podium Finisher at BC Cups

Top 10 Finisher at Canada Cups

Top 20 at Crankworx