
16 years old

Do you have any nicknames?:

My name is already pretty short and uncommon, so people don’t usually give me nicknames. But some friends just call me “T.” :)

Who was your favorite rider(s) to watch growing up?:

When I was a kid, my brothers and I were obsessed with Danny MacAskill’s insane YouTube videos. Later, I got really into Fabio Wibmer, especially the ones where he had to flee. Those were next level!

When I’m not riding you will probably find me doing what?:

Either in the gym, fixing my bike, or hanging out with friends. School takes up a lot of time too, but let‘s be real, I’d much rather be doing the fun stuff!

Kali Helmet of choice and why?:

I’d go with the Trinity Carbon. It’s so light that I sometimes forget I’m even wearing a helmet. Plus, the ventilation is amazing, no overheating, even on the hottest summer days (which are the best!).

What essential item do you always bring with you when you ride?:

Most people would probably say food or water, but I almost always forget those because I still underestimate how long it takes me to get dressed and then have to rush out. So, definitely my protection, gloves and my phone to film cool videos of me and my friends!


How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?:

I’m the slowest eater of everyone I know—even when I try to eat faster. So I’d say probably around 700!


First Race Season:

• Gravity Cup Olpe – 4th/39

• Propain Rookies Downhill Cup Oberhof – 5th/71

• Gravity Cup Bad Marienberg – 8th/30